Liberia: Building a Health System

Liberia: Building a Health System

Partners In Health is investing in long-term, systemic change in Liberia. In partnership with the Liberian government, we have focused our attention on Maryland County, a remote southeast region that has some of the worst health indicators in the world.

Pleebo Health Center will be the beating heart of this new health system. Our first priority is to respond to the vast need that remains and expand the health center’s maternity ward, build a permanent emergency room, create more space to care for patients, and build out laboratory facilities.

We invite you to join Partners In Health, in solidarity with the people of Maryland County, to help us raise $500,000 to fund the rebuilding and expansion of Pleebo Health Center. Your support will ensure that patients receive the top-notch care they deserve, provided by highly trained clinicians, armed with quality medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, and housed in facilities designed to protect patients from infections and disease.

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Pleebo Health Center phase 2 expansion plan.

Together, we can save lives in Liberia. Together, with the people of Liberia, this can be our success story.

Photo by Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health
PIH community health workers conduct home visits to patients in Harper, Liberia.