Our Most-Read Stories of 2019

Posted on Dec 20, 2019

The shared mission that unites PIH teams around the world is evident in the stories that most caught readers' attention this year. From an Ebola survivor who’s thriving in Sierra Leone to quadruplets born at University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti, 2019 was a remarkable year across PIH.  

PIH Leader in Devex: UN Health Declaration Undermines Equity

Posted on Sep 26, 2019

True health care for all will require global solidarity and should not involve different sets of services for different countries, Dr. Jean Claude Mugunga writes in an op-ed this week, during the UN General Assembly.

Meet New CEO Dr. Sheila Davis

Posted on Aug 12, 2019

Dr. Sheila Davis, who became CEO on July 1, shares how she moved from being a rural Mainer interested in nursing, to a PIH-er working at the highest levels of global health.