PIH Stands with Haiti on Earthquake Anniversary

Posted on Jan 11, 2018

On the earthquake anniversary, one PIH leader in Haiti reflects on the country's current state, and it's inability to welcome 60,000 Haitian nationals from the U.S. once their Temporary Protected Status expires in 2019.

2017: The Year in Quotes

Posted on Dec 18, 2017

Inspiration in a sentence—that’s what we were looking for as we sifted through our stories about Partners In Health in 2017. Like any round-up, this collection of quotes falls short of conveying the breadth and depth of all that was accomplished this year. PIH staff saw 1.5 million patients in clinics and hospitals, never mind the hundreds of thousands consulted in their homes.

New Year, New Maternity Ward in Liberia

Posted on Dec 18, 2017

Every month, at least one or two pregnant women travel great distances—often spending hours bouncing down dirt roads on the backs of motorcycles—to arrive at the gate of Pleebo Health Center in southeast Liberia. The Partners In Health-supported center is in Maryland County, one of the poorest places in the world, with 84 percent of people unable to adequately feed, clothe, and shelter themselves.

IHSJ Reader, May 25, 2012

Posted on May 25, 2012

A roundup of global health news and research, published by PIH's Institute for Health and Social Justice.