Op-Ed: While U.S. Moves on from COVID-19, Local Leaders Left to Pick Up the Slack

Posted on Jul 1, 2022

In the absence of a cohesive and comprehensive federal plan, local health departments, community-based organizations, and others across the country are stepping up to assume the responsibility of accompanying their communities through this new phase of COVID-19, just as they have throughout the entire pandemic.

Omicron and COVID-19 Vaccination: Fact vs. Fiction 

Posted on Jan 20, 2022

The first key thing to understand about Omicron is that “milder” does not equal “mild.” Delta was a bad disease, and so is Omicron. A staggering number of people are hospitalized and having complications, and while this is worse in the unvaccinated or immunocompromised, even those who are vaccinated can have bad outcomes from Omicron.