Fostering Cross-Site Collaboration: Insights from the PIH Americas Regional Workshop

PIH convenes government partnership, policy, advocacy, and community engagement staff from Haiti, Mexico, Navajo Nation, Peru, and the United States.

Posted on Mar 26, 2024

PIH Americas Convening Participants
PIH staff from Haiti, Mexico, Navajo Nation, Peru, and the United States come together in Lima, Peru for a workshop. Diego Diaz/PIH

In January, Partners In Health organized the first-ever Americas Regional Workshop. Hosted in Lima, Peru, the convening brought together PIH colleagues from Haiti, Mexico, Navajo Nation, Peru, and the United States to deepen relationships across PIH sites and consolidate learnings on government accompaniment. 

Around the globe, PIH works shoulder-to-shoulder with government partners across levels of influence to shape policy and advance systems change. With a diverse range of expertise and experience in government partnership, policy, advocacy, and community engagement, participants shared approaches and best practices for collaborating with governments at their respective sites. 

Discussions focused on site-level strategies for government accompaniment and creating a framework to guide this type of collaboration across PIH. Participants also met with Peru’s Ministry of Health to learn about their partnership with Socios En Salud (as PIH is known in Peru) and visited SES labs, pharmacies, health centers and project sites. 

The Americas Regional Workshop is a testament to the importance of cross-site learning and collaboration. By coming together, sharing experiences, and collectively refining strategies, participants not only strengthened their respective site capacities, but laid the foundation for deeper collaboration in the future.

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