Our partners in health: Generation NXT, nightlife philanthropists

Posted on Jan 30, 2010


Generation NXT emergency event


We've been incredibly touched and inspired by the outpouring of support we've received in the past few weeks. From celebrities to sports teams to activists--we are so thankful to all our partners in health. Below is how some of our hippest supporters are standing in solidarity with PIH, and with the people of Haiti.

Months of careful planning over late night sushi usually precede Generation NXT’s fundraising events. But when this New York City-based non-profit heard about the disaster in Haiti, they knew that they had to act fast.

“We arranged an “emergency event” because that’s exactly what the situation is,” said Louis Levy, Chairman of Generation NXT. Members are a mix of young men and women consisting of entrepreneurs, doctors, full-time students, teachers, and artists, ranging in age from about 18 to 35. United by a common desire to combine philanthropy and fun, Generation NXT raises awareness for different types of causes by hosting charity events at various New York City hot-spots. Their eleventh-hour Haiti fundraiser proved to be a hit among the hip and humanitarian.

Generation NXT was fortunate to secure Amnesia—a donated venue that made for an unforgettable evening showcasing various forms of entertainment, from music to dancers to acrobats who performed while suspended in mid-air above the crowd. Award-winning DJ Peter Paul, DJ Phresh, and DJ Hex Hector spun hip-hop that kept the crowd dancing until midnight the next day. It was only Generation NXT’s third fundraiser, but it raised over $25,000, which the organization donated to Partners In Health’s work in Haiti.

How did such a young organization become fundraising veterans virtually overnight?

Once Generation NXT secured the donated space, they calculated the maximum number of people it could hold—over 1,000. That’s when they got down to work. Members pooled their networking capabilities and sent out invitations. “We reached out to different types of sponsors and entertainers that were willing to donate products, time, and talent for the cause,” said Louis.

The response was overwhelming. “Everyone was eager to participate given the impact that the earthquake in Haiti had on the world,” Louis said.

Learn more about Generation NXT.

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