PIH’s Public Statement in Response to Death of George Floyd

Posted on Jun 1, 2020

protesters in Boston in support of Black Lives Matter
Thousands of protesters gathered in Boston in response to the brutal killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week and to stand in solidarity with black and brown communities against state-sponsored violence in the United States. Photo courtesy of Victor Ukatu

For more than 400 years, structural racism has been and continues to be a public health emergency in the United States—a virus requiring a systemic response. The horror of George Floyd being brutally choked to death demands outrage and pragmatic solidarity from all individuals and organizations.

As we experience collective grief, we must side with the black and brown communities who have been terrorized by racial inequity and state-sponsored violence in the United States, and with community organizers who have been fighting these issues on the ground for years. PIH will consult with community leaders to understand how our organization can best support their efforts to mobilize for change and justice in the immediate and long-term future.

This is a defining moment. Our collective fight for justice is intensifying. We must continue to stand tall with vigilance and hope alongside leaders from communities most impacted by injustice, leaders who have continuously struggled and forged ahead with commitment to a just, more inclusive world, where dignity of all and for all is ensured.

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