Village Health Workers Song

Posted on Sep 12, 2007

Composed and performed by Village Health Workers in Lesotho
Translated by Archie Ayeh

The message has reached all nations
Our people, the time has come
Time to fight the fiercest battle
We have to fight to defend the Basotho nation

People, young and old, take up your weapons
Let’s fight and defend our Basotho nation
Because AIDS has wiped our nation
Children are left behind as orphans

Us people living here at Ketane
God has gazed at us with merciful eyes
During this very difficult time
He donated us experts of this disease

Ntate Jonas and ‘M’e Jennifer
We thank you in a special way
Because you have shown commitment
To help the people of Ketane

They [Dr. Jennifer & Dr. Jonas] have educated and counseled the nation on HIV/AIDS
They trained the village health workers
They never shy away or hesitate to help people suffering from this disease

Quality  health care  has emerged in Ketane
On one end it’s Dr. Jonas, on the other end is Dr. Jennifer
In the middle it’s us the Village Health Workers
On one end it’s ‘M’e ‘Moso, on the other end its Ntate Kolobe (Our nurses)

People of Ketane were dying in large numbers
Mothers, fathers  and children were left as orphans
But since “The Good Lord” is merciful, a miracle occurred
He sent  us these people from America (Dr.Jonas & Dr. Jennifer)
They came to our country to help but out of all regions they chose Ketane and started their work here on the 18/07/06

They found people dead and ready to get buried, but they raised them from the dead, gave them drugs called ARVs
ARV’s defeated HIV and improved people’s immunity
As for Tuberculosis, it doesn’t even want to hear of them.
It (TB) fled, fell and drowned in Qhoasing and Ketane rivers.

They did not wrestle this beast alone, they were assisted by others,
Ntate Lesole, Kolobe and Ausi Tlaleng, the “Tolly ba thate” in Ketane.
As for the village health workers, we came in like hunters

Long live Partners In Health, so we can live well

Right here in Ketane
God has mercy on us
He granted us PIH
PIH gives us ARVs
With ARVs we can live longer
They defeat HIV, the virus which causes AIDS

We thank you God
Keep PIH for us
So we can live longer
And watch our children grow

[published September 2007]

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