Ekip Solid: A Conversation with Dr. Melino Ndayizigiye

Posted on Dec 16, 2020

Seventeen years old and at a boarding school far from home, Melino Ndayizigiye became so sick he feared he would die before his family learned of his illness. But he recovered, and the doctor who cured him—the first doctor Melino had ever seen—later became Melino's professor, launching a career dedicated to rural medicine.

Tour the Future Maternal Center of Excellence in Sierra Leone

Posted on Nov 18, 2020

In April 2021, Partners In Health, the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and architectural partner Build Health International plan to break ground on a new, world-class center dedicated to maternal and child health.

World Diabetes Day Highlights Impacts of PIH Nurses

Posted on Nov 13, 2020

Gedeon Ngoga said several global factors—the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report on health inequities, and World Diabetes Day, which is Saturday—all have a common thread: the importance of nurses.

Finding the Way Back Home, One Conversation at a Time

Posted on Oct 16, 2020

People struggling with mental health conditions who have stopped receiving treatment or taking medication—and as a result have seen their conditions worsen and may be homeless—are sometimes called “lost” patients.

In Maryland County, Liberia, Helena Wesley has made it her mission to find them.

Innovation: Marking 10 Years of Mental Health Care in Haiti

Posted on Oct 9, 2020

Tatiana Therosme gathered herself for a moment before talking about a young woman, born with HIV, who battled severe depression for years because of stigmatization and mistreatment resulting from people’s perceptions of her diagnosis. The young woman's mental health care is a testament to a system that has grown to serve thousands.

PIH Documentary "Bending the Arc" Airing on Netflix

Posted on Oct 8, 2020

Netflix's international release last October has made the inspiring film available to a global audience, as essential viewing amid the COVID-19 pandemic and public health crises around the world.