Floods Kill Dozens, Leave Thousands Homeless in Malawi

Posted on Mar 12, 2019

Heavy rains and flooding have taken the lives of 30 people and damaged the homes and property of 487,000 residents across southern Malawi, where PIH has supported facilities in Neno District since 2007.

Surgery, New Home Empower Young Mother in Malawi

Posted on Feb 12, 2019

A joyous home-handover ceremony for Rose Kapeni and her three children in Neno District, Malawi, showed how community-based care can provide healing that is far more than physical. 

Single Mother in Malawi Caring for Kids, Handling HIV

Posted on Nov 7, 2018

Agnes Paulo's expression was somber as she held her infant son, Ulemu, in her lap. Paulo, 35, is a single mother and living with HIV. Her four older children are HIV-negative, but Ulemu had not yet been tested.

A Mission to Stop Cholera in Haiti

Posted on Dec 21, 2017

Working with Haiti's Ministry of Health, PIH hopes to eliminate cholera in Mirebalais, home to nearly 100,000, through vaccinations, hygiene education, and water filtration systems.