
Posted on Nov 18, 2009

A PIH staff member describes an event that revealed both how much she shared with her closest Malawian friend and how wide a gulf separates their experiences.

Sending out an SMS in Malawi

Posted on Sep 16, 2009

A pilot project in Malawi uses cell phones and open-source software to cut the distance between patients, village health workers, and clinics.

Fighting global AIDS: Samson's story

Posted on Jun 19, 2009

Many people in rural Malawi don't believe that they could be HIV positive, or are too scared to get tested. Samson Njolomole is trying to change this.

"Give us just two weeks"

Posted on May 13, 2009

After suffering a paralyzing injury, all Patrick wanted was "to be taken home to die." PIH's partner organization in Malawi had two weeks convince him otherwise.

New hospital boosts health and pride in Malawi

Posted on Apr 15, 2009

Barely two years after PIH's partner organization Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo (APZU) arrived and started treating patients, Neno boasts Malawi's newest, full-service district hospital.

15th Annual Symposium pushes boundaries

Posted on Sep 30, 2008

PIH's 15th annual Thomas J. White Symposium focused on the theme "Pushing boundaries: past, present, and future." The program featured a panel of HIV patients who shared their stories of being provided with life-saving antiretroviral drugs. Another panel featured activists who have used the PIH model and philosophy of social justice to create their own programs to provide healthcare to the poor and inspire the next generation of social justice activists. View these panels as well as speeches from PIH co-founders Paul Farmer and Ophelia Dahl.