Study Reveals Immense PTSD Burden Among Haitian Youth

Posted on Sep 10, 2020

Researchers with Partners In Health (PIH) found in a recent study that young people in Haiti are made especially vulnerable to mental health conditions by their chronic exposure to stressful life events.

Celebrating New Possibilities at Sierra Leone’s Only Psychiatric Hospital

Posted on Jun 5, 2020

At a celebration of completed renovations of Sierra Leone Psychiatric Teaching Hospital, PIH-Sierra Leone's executive director gave a speech remarking on the hospital's transformation--and, in the context of protests over police brutality and systemic racism in the U.S, on the two countries' shared "history of injustice."

Meet the Mental Health Warriors of Sierra Leone

Posted on May 1, 2020

PIH formally established mental health care programs in Kono, Sierra Leone, last year. Alongside the longtime need for mental health services here, personal experience drives the work of each PIH mental health care provider. Meet some of the team, and learn about the inspiration behind their efforts to make mental health care a human right.

Reflections on the Devastating 2010 Earthquake

Posted on Jan 12, 2020

Loune Viaud, executive director of Zanmi Lasante--as Partners In Health is known in Haiti, reflects on Jan. 12, 2010, and how she has lead her team to respond in the weeks, months, and years that followed Haiti's devastating earthquake.