Mental Health Team Expanding Innovative, Pioneering Care

Posted on Oct 10, 2018

Dr. Giuseppe “Bepi” Raviola, PIH’s Director of Mental Health, oversees a growing program that is caring for thousands of people in Haiti and Rwanda; developing safe houses for women with chronic mental illness in Peru; working to treat common mental disorders in communities across eight countries; and much more. We caught up with him for an eye-opening chat.

Treating Mind and Body: Mental Health Care Expanding in Lesotho

Posted on Jul 24, 2018

It was a story no doctor wants to tell. 

But at Botšabelo Hospital in Maseru, Lesotho, during a recent training on mental health care, a doctor related the story of a man who had successfully completed two grueling years of treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, or MDR-TB—only to succumb to a different, devastating illness, that far too often goes unseen.