Graciela Cadet: Inspiring Nurse Leader in Haiti

Posted on Apr 1, 2019

PIH graduated its inaugural class of Nightingale Fellows, nurse leaders who received support and training in executive leadership and will use what they've learned to improve patient care.

Gladys: Trailblazer, Midwife, and Feminist in Sierra Leone

Posted on Dec 4, 2018

Boyama Gladys Katingor, the head midwife at Wellbody Clinic in Kono, Sierra Leone, ensures every expectant mother receives the best possible care and advocates for her patients' best interests both in and outside the clinic.

A Safe Birth, and Welcome Relief, in Sierra Leone

Posted on Nov 13, 2018

Fanta Karoma, 18, lost her first pregnancy and feared the news of her second. But after hearing from a neighbor about the PIH-supported Wellbody Clinic in Kono, she found the care, and confidence, she needed to bring her son into the world.

The Ups and Downs of an Oncology Nurse in Haiti

Posted on May 11, 2018

Magda Louis Juste, an oncology nurse at University Hospital in Mirebalais, talks about the role of nursing in Haiti, the importance of advocating for patients, and the need for local, specialized training.

Dauntless Lesotho man defeats MDR-TB, defies family history 

Posted on Mar 20, 2018

A severe form of tuberculosis killed Moeketsi Ts'osane’s mother in 2008, and one of his brothers in 2010. Health workers suspect the disease may also have contributed to the 2005 death of Ts'osane’s father, who had worked as a miner in South Africa.

So when Ts'osane was diagnosed with MDR-TB himself, in 2015, his family and friends had grim hopes for his future.

“The people around me, because of what had happened…to them, it was the end of me,” the 29-year-old Ts'osane said in February, sitting at work in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho. 

Malawi Program Making GAINs in Maternal Health

Posted on Jan 8, 2018

Clinicians at Partners In Health-supported facilities around the world provided more than 30,000 safe, facility-based childbirths in 2017, according to year-end estimates—and thanks to a growing collaboration, more and more of those safe childbirths are happening in a rural district in Malawi.