Op-Ed: While U.S. Moves on from COVID-19, Local Leaders Left to Pick Up the Slack

Posted on Jul 1, 2022

In the absence of a cohesive and comprehensive federal plan, local health departments, community-based organizations, and others across the country are stepping up to assume the responsibility of accompanying their communities through this new phase of COVID-19, just as they have throughout the entire pandemic.

The Push Toward Health Equity in New Bedford, a City of Immigrants 

Posted on Dec 21, 2021

Beyond the pandemic, PIH-US is partnering with New Bedford and local community organizations to establish a broader health equity agenda in this culturally diverse city that has weathered decades of economic and demographic shifts.  

Why PIH-US Cares About the Build Back Better Act, And Why You Should Too

Posted on Dec 13, 2021

While the Senate debates the terms and details of the Build Back Better Act, it’s worth remembering that taken as a whole, many of the legislation’s provisions would transform public health, maternal health, and long-term care for millions of people across the nation. 

Addressing Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond 

Posted on Nov 23, 2021

Across the U.S., as people were forced to isolate, quarantine, or care for a relative sick with COVID-19, food assistance became essential. PIH-US worked with partners across the country to connect patients and families with food and strenghten connections to social support.