A Mission to Stop Cholera in Haiti

Posted on Dec 21, 2017

Working with Haiti's Ministry of Health, PIH hopes to eliminate cholera in Mirebalais, home to nearly 100,000, through vaccinations, hygiene education, and water filtration systems.

PIH Warns Against Withdrawal of TPS for Haitians

Posted on Nov 22, 2017

PIH finds the Trump administration's decision to end temporary protected status for Haitians living in the United States inhumane, short-sighted, and disastrous for thousands of families in the U.S. and Haiti.

'Everyone in Freetown Knows Cholera': Door-to-Door With Vaccine Teams in Sierra Leone

Posted on Nov 17, 2017

The teams wound down dirt paths, high-stepped through muddy slums, and climbed stairs cemented into lush hillsides. Never mind the lack of road signs and house numbers—they knew where they were going. They lived nearby.

How di body?” one would ask a neighbor.

Body fine,” the person would reply.

Haiti Continues to Battle Cholera Outbreak

Posted on Jun 11, 2015

Haiti is still grappling with a pernicious cholera epidemic nearly five years after the disease's first appearance in the country. Beyond Port-au-Prince and its suburbs, the Artibonite and Centre regions—the hub of operations for Zanmi Lasante, Partners In Health’s sister organization in Haiti—have been among the hardest hit, especially the communities of St. Marc, Mirebalais, Hinche, and Lascahobas. So far, PIH/ZL staff are seeing two or three times as many patients in 2015 as they did over the same period last year.