PIH to Support COVID-19 Response Across U.S.

Posted on May 13, 2020

PIH launched a new initiative, the U.S. Public Health Accompaniment Unit, to provide open access to learning resources and technical advice for states and municipalities struggling to conduct contact tracing for COVID-19.

Meet the Mental Health Warriors of Sierra Leone

Posted on May 1, 2020

PIH formally established mental health care programs in Kono, Sierra Leone, last year. Alongside the longtime need for mental health services here, personal experience drives the work of each PIH mental health care provider. Meet some of the team, and learn about the inspiration behind their efforts to make mental health care a human right.

Facing COVID-19, Preparedness is Key in Sierra Leone

Posted on Apr 17, 2020

Sierra Leone is still in the earlier stages of the global COVID-19 pandemic, though case numbers continue to rise. PIH and the government's goal has shifted from preventing the virus’ introduction to preventing a serious outbreak, while providing care for all patients, coronavirus or otherwise.

Global Coronavirus Response

Posted on Mar 13, 2020

PIH presents four key objectives staff and clinicians will follow in tackling the spread of COVID-19, in partnership with countries' ministries of health.

More Than a Friendly Neighbor

Posted on Feb 18, 2020

Prenatal checkups, education and care led by her community health worker helped Eliza Kazembe safely give birth to her first child, Prince Chimpaka.