Innovative Strategies to Make COVID-19 Vaccinations More Accessible Across U.S.

Posted on Jun 23, 2021

Across the United States, public health workers and community leaders, businesses owners and President Joseph Biden are rolling out innovative strategies to reach the unvaccinated -- and nudge them to roll up their sleeves. PIH is helping them work creatively to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Case Studies: How Connecting People With the Essentials is Crucial to Pandemic Response

Posted on Jun 3, 2021

Care resource specialists have filled a crucial health care gap by ensuring people have the social, material, and other support they need to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, these specialists are also helping those hardest-hit gain greater access to life-saving vaccines.

Need to Know: Details on Biden's New Public Health Workforce Plan

Posted on May 14, 2021

The Biden Administration just announced a $7.4 billion investment in a public health workforce. Partners In Health applauds the decision to invest in our critical public health and community health workforces while we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic and the underlying inequities in the U.S. health system.

Op-Ed: Racial Justice Requires an Equitable COVID-19 Response

Posted on Apr 29, 2021

Racial justice in our response to COVID-19 demands that we acknowledge that current inequalities are based on a racist system.  We must work together with people who suffer racial oppression to materially resource our response.   

Vaccine Eligibility Does Not Guarantee Access 

Posted on Apr 29, 2021

Every  adult  in the United States is now eligible for COVID-19 vaccines -- a critical milestone.  As the nation races against a fourth wave of the virus and increasing spread of variants, vaccinating the entire population is as urgent as ever. But eligibility alone does not guarantee access.