PIH Right to Health Care program helps give Rwandan children new heart valves and hope

Posted on Aug 4, 2007

“Jeanette was so sick,” said Dr. Joseph Mucumbitsi, a Rwandan pediatrician. Bedridden for months, the 14-year-old only weighed about 65 pounds. Her heart, weakened and scarred from an infection, could not effectively pump blood to the rest of her body, and she was slowly suffocating.

Eight-year-old Louise was also struggling to survive. Her swollen body was wracked by recurrent asthma-like spasms in her lungs and persistent coughing. 

Protecting Africa's children

Posted on Apr 13, 2007

By Lydia Flier, 2010 PIH Summer Intern


Teboho talks with PIH-L social workers.