Why Housing Is Essential To The COVID-19 Response

Posted on Feb 3, 2021

Housing is essential for health. For more than 30 years, PIH has connected patients around the world with housing support. That work reflects PIH’s core belief that medical care alone is insufficient; patients must also have access to social support to sustain their health.

Why Decarceration Is Vital For Public Health Amid COVID-19

Posted on Jan 26, 2021

The COVID-19 crisis in America's prisons disproportionately impacts communities of color due to decades of mass incarceration and puts all communities at risk for the virus. In a new white paper, PIH urges governments across the U.S. to release as many people as possible to stop the spread of COVID-19 and end the violation of incarcerated people's human rights.

Our Most-Read Stories of 2020

Posted on Dec 30, 2020

Though the COVID-19 pandemic flooded our work, website, and lives in 2020, a third of our most-read blog posts this year focused on other topics. Here are the 12 most-read stories of 2020, listed by date of publication.

PIHers' Picks: What We Read, Watched, and Listened to in 2020

Posted on Nov 25, 2020

For the sixth year, PIH staff from around the world shared their favorite works they watched, read, or listened to in the past 12 months. In light of the many challenges 2020 has presented, we asked staff to specifically highlight books, podcasts, or movies that provide hope and inspiration. We hope that you, too, will see the light in the recommendations below. Although this holiday season may feel much different than previous years, one thing remains constant: PIH's commitment to strengthening health systems around the globe. 

Q&A: Filmmaker Tells Story Behind Bending The Arc—Available on Netflix

Posted on Oct 21, 2020

Bending The Arc—a critically acclaimed documentary available on Netflix—tells the story of PIH’s early years and the global movement for health equity and social justice. For an inside look at the film and its lasting impact, PIH sat down with award-winning writer and producer Cori Shepherd Stern.

Transcending COVID-19 Through Investment in Mental Health

Posted on Oct 9, 2020

On World Mental Health Day 2020, Dr. Giuseppe "Bepi" Raviola shares how PIH has invested in and incorporated mental health into COVID-19 care around the world, and reflects on the importance of self-care during moments of stress and crisis.

Innovation: Marking 10 Years of Mental Health Care in Haiti

Posted on Oct 9, 2020

Tatiana Therosme gathered herself for a moment before talking about a young woman, born with HIV, who battled severe depression for years because of stigmatization and mistreatment resulting from people’s perceptions of her diagnosis. The young woman's mental health care is a testament to a system that has grown to serve thousands.