Patients Cured Through New TB Drugs, Social Support in Kazakhstan

Posted on Mar 23, 2021

While pregnant with her second child, Maral Shorayeva began experiencing symptoms that felt like a cold or flu, but when she went to give birth to her daughter, doctors recognized that something was wrong. They suspected she had tuberculosis. Shorayeva, who was 25 at the time, says a nurse took her newborn away immediately, without giving her a chance to hold her daughter. She had already gone through more than a year of TB treatment while pregnant with her first child, her son Bagdad, who was born in 2016.

Climate Change Advocacy is Global Health Advocacy

Posted on Mar 19, 2021

Earth Day is a moment to reflect on how climate change and global health are intertwined, in that those most affected by natural disasters and disease are often marginalized communities.

PIH Kazakhstan Doctors Recover From COVID-19, Treat Family Members

Posted on Nov 25, 2020

PIH Kazakhstan Country Director Dr. Yerkebulan Algozhin is among staff who have recovered from COVID-19 this year, and said facing a pandemic while continuing tuberculosis care has brought his team closer together - as they now prepare for a second wave of the novel virus.