The Evolution of a Pathology Lab in Haiti

Posted on Jan 30, 2023

With fewer and fewer pathologists in Port-au-Prince, access for patients is increasingly difficult. "It imposes on us, I believe, a moral duty to provide these services, with the highest possible standard,” said Joarly Lormil, HUM’s chief of oncology.

‘We Need to Be All Hands on Board’: Leaders Discuss Women’s Empowerment With PIH Community

Posted on Mar 15, 2022

Women’s health care has always been a focal point for Partners In Health (PIH). From gender-sensitive programs in Sierra Leone to several dozen maternal waiting homes around the globe, PIH has consistently prioritized women’s rights through accompaniment.

"Breast Cancer is Not a Death Sentence"

Posted on Oct 20, 2021

Diane Mukawera was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 and shares her story of survival to inspire other women in Rwanda to perform regular self-examinations and seek early care, like what she received at Butaro District Hospital.

‘Dream a Bit Bigger’: Influential Leaders Share Advice with PIH Community on International Women’s Day

Posted on Mar 11, 2021

Despite hosting Top Chef for 15 years, co-founding a nonprofit, and publishing a handful of cookbooks, among other accomplishments, Padma Lakshmi has experienced impostor syndrome, along with many other high-achieving people.

But she never let her initial beliefs that she wasn’t qualified enough get in the way of her career. Her hope is that women and girls will do the same, feel less self-doubt than she did, and not be dissuaded from careers they want to pursue.