New Maternal Waiting Home in Haiti Offers "Priceless" Care

Posted on May 4, 2018

Since opening last year, the maternal waiting home at University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti, has welcomed hundreds of women with complicated pregnancies and mothers of NICU infants who need to be close to specialized care.

A Haitian Mother's Lifelong Battle with Leukemia

Posted on Feb 15, 2018

Martha Cassemond was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia when she was 12 and has been on lifesaving medication for the past 13 years, thanks to the care and support of Partners In Health in Haiti.

Marana Toussaint: Mother, Survivor, Advocate in Haiti

Posted on Feb 8, 2018

Marana Toussaint, 37, underwent extensive surgery and battled cancer with the help of PIH staff at University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti. Now, she educates others about the importance of health care.

PIH Stands with Haiti on Earthquake Anniversary

Posted on Jan 11, 2018

On the earthquake anniversary, one PIH leader in Haiti reflects on the country's current state, and it's inability to welcome 60,000 Haitian nationals from the U.S. once their Temporary Protected Status expires in 2019.

A Mission to Stop Cholera in Haiti

Posted on Dec 21, 2017

Working with Haiti's Ministry of Health, PIH hopes to eliminate cholera in Mirebalais, home to nearly 100,000, through vaccinations, hygiene education, and water filtration systems.

PIH Warns Against Withdrawal of TPS for Haitians

Posted on Nov 22, 2017

PIH finds the Trump administration's decision to end temporary protected status for Haitians living in the United States inhumane, short-sighted, and disastrous for thousands of families in the U.S. and Haiti.

Lovenyou's Transformation in Haiti

Posted on Nov 8, 2017

Lovenyou Pierre arrived at University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti, barely conscious and starving. PIH staff enrolled him in its malnutrition program. Four months later, he was a different little boy.