Trip to Port-au-Prince reveals more of the tragedy

Posted on Jan 14, 2010

A recent report from one of our staff who traveled to Port-au-Prince yesterday reveals a tragedy more dire than we could have ever expected. "Everywhere throughout the city, as we drove by the national plaza, there are thousands of people sleeping outside," she wrote in an email, as phones were still down across the country.

volunteer request

Posted on Jan 14, 2010

We want to reiterate our profound gratitude to all of you for your interest in providing medical care and support in Haiti. Thousands have offered their time and skills to provide medical and surgical care in Haiti, and we can

The first 18 hours

Posted on Jan 13, 2010

PIH Executive Director Ophelia Dahl reflects on PIH's efforts to help earthquake victims.

Operation: Operating Room

Posted on Nov 18, 2009

At 1 p.m. on November 12, Dr. Eddy Jonas and his team performed the first surgery in a brand new operating room at the hospital at Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite in Haiti.

PIH mourns "a hero and an angel"

Posted on Sep 22, 2009

Dr. Josue Augustin, the director of surgery for PIH's partner organization in Haiti, Zanmi Lasante (ZL), was killed on August 31.

Fixing Haiti's environmental woes

Posted on Jul 24, 2009

From solar panels to composting latrines, PIH's partner organization in Haiti is working to combat hundreds of years of environmental degradation with several new projects.