Partnership Brings Clean Water to Cange, Haiti

Posted on Aug 20, 2012

About 10,000 residents have access to purified and filtered water, thanks to Zanmi Lasante, Clemson University's Engineers for Developing Countries, and two South Carolina church congregations.

Haitian children vaccinated against cholera

Posted on Jun 8, 2012

Dr. Max Raymond Jr., PIH - Artibonite Region, Haiti

We will soon be finishing up the vaccine campaign with the final dose for children 9 and under. So far, even with delays and the rainy season well upon us, we've reached more than 40,000 people... that's pretty good!

Maybe someday soon we will be here together scaling up the cholera vaccination to the national level with the Haiti Ministry of Health.

Initial phase completed!

Posted on May 24, 2012

Jon Lascher, PIH – Artibonite Region, Haiti

We've completed the planned vaccination -- doses 1 and 2 -- for the current phase of the project.

We are very pleased with the results thus far, but we know there are still people we can reach.

Vaccine doses 1 and 2 of now delivered to 18,000 Haitians

Posted on May 21, 2012

Jon Lascher, PIH – Artibonite Region, Haiti

It rained most of the day today limiting our ability to vaccinate large numbers of people. Teams were deployed at different intervals throughout the day in the hopes of vaccinating farmers returning home from the fields in the evening. 

Tomorrow teams will be going door-to-door again.