On Rounds with Dr. Paul Farmer

Posted on Dec 13, 2019

Join the infectious disease expert and PIH co-founder in Sierra Leone as he mentors clinicians through their most difficult cases.

PIH's 2018 Annual Report

Posted on Nov 19, 2018

Our 2018 Annual Report serves as a record of last year's accomplishments—and as a thank you to all of our invaluable partners who make this lifesaving work possible.

'That’s Where the Journey Begins': Data Specialist Starts Fellowship in Malawi

Posted on Aug 2, 2018

Themba Nyirenda was lying in bed at about 7 a.m. one morning this May, checking email on his laptop, when he got news he’d been hoping for since 2015. He immediately called his girlfriend, despite the early hour. “You cannot believe what I’m looking at,” Nyirenda said. 

Global Views, Local Ideas: Lab Leaders Collaborate at Annual Workshop

Posted on May 17, 2018

Laboratory Director Roger Calderon needed more space to support tuberculosis work in Lima, Peru, so he led design and construction of a new lab made from a shipping container. Four people can work in the 400-square-foot facility, which has centrifuges, freezers and a customized ventilation system that recirculates the air 27 times an hour.

Fellowship Providing Vital Support for Nursing Leaders

Posted on Nov 29, 2017

As she spoke to nurse managers from Rwanda, Liberia and Haiti, Dr. Lynda Tyer-Viola—a longtime nurse manager in Texas—cited a daily situation that’s true for medical professionals anywhere. 

“The everyday minutiae sucks all the air out of the room,” she said, referring to the flood of unexpected, urgent tasks that arise in busy hospital environments. Such tasks often detract from larger projects or duties, Tyer-Viola said, and can change whatever plans managers thought they had for their day.

PIH Releases How-to Guides for Mentoring, Quality Improvement Program

Posted on Oct 10, 2017

A Partners In Health model for mentoring health care workers is gaining broad attention after improving qualities of care in Rwanda and elsewhere for several years, and a new guideline—along with a separate, cost-analysis toolkit—describes how health centers and systems can implement the model, combat the global shortage of quality health care staffing and plan budgets across a range of services.
"Building a culture of high-quality care delivery processes and systems is almost impossible, especially in resource-limited settings,” said Anatole Manzi, director