The Comprehensive COVID-19 Response Cascade

Communities and public health leaders must build and maintain support for all pillars of COVID-19 response: community protection, testing, contact tracing, supported isolation, and vaccination. Neglect of any one of these components will delay recovery from the current pandemic and leave us underprepared for future outbreaks of infectious disease.

Community Protection> Testing> Case Investigation and Contact Tracing> Supported Isolation and Quarantine> Vaccination

Community Protection

Mitigation strategies including mask wearing, social distancing, safe workspaces, and targeted closures are proven strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission.

Technical brief
K-12 Schools & COVID-19: Research and Guidance for a Comprehensive Response
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Technical brief
COVID-19 Community Protection
Friday, January 1, 2021


Widespread testing is critical to a more effective COVID-19 response, as it allows for faster linkages to care, contact tracing, and connections to resources for supported isolation. Testing and rapid access to results must be available to all, regardless of geography, income, or race.

Technical brief
COVID-19 Testing in the Context of Omicron
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Technical brief
Testing Overview
Monday, December 13, 2021
Technical brief
Table: Currently Available Home-based Tests
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Technical brief
Home-Based Testing Briefing
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Technical brief
K-12 Schools & COVID-19: Research and Guidance for a Comprehensive Response
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Contact Tracing

Robust contact tracing that facilitates safe quarantine breaks chains of transmission of COVID-19, stops the spread, and saves lives. A comprehensive contact tracing program includes case investigation, identifying known exposed contacts, and providing support for both positive cases and exposed individuals.

Technical brief
Contact Tracing 101: Key Components of an Effective Program
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Contact Tracing as Cases Surge: How We Can, and Why We Must
Monday, November 23, 2020
Tools and protocols
PIH Contact Tracing Workforce Modeling Tool
Friday, July 31, 2020

Supported Isolation & Quarantine

The success of contact tracing hinges on the ability of cases and contacts to safely isolate and quarantine. Without resources to ensure everyone can do so safely, people may be forced to choose between meeting basic needs and quarantining. Through care resource coordination, jurisdictions can address the social determinants of health and reduce disparities currently exacerbated by fragmented social service ecosystems.

CRC Case Study: The Massachusetts CTC Care Resource Coordination Program
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Technical brief
Care Resource Coordination White Paper: An Essential Pillar of an Effective and Equitable Pandemic Response
Monday, April 26, 2021
Technical brief
Care Resource Coordination Deck: An Essential Part of an Effective and Equitable Pandemic Response
Thursday, December 10, 2020


Safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines are an important tool for protecting individuals and ending the pandemic. But vaccines without a distribution system that prioritizes people most at risk will have limited impact and deepen inequities. We must build a system now for rapid, widespread, and equitable vaccine distribution, integrated as part of a comprehensive public health response.

Policies and memo
Eligibility Is Not Access
Tuesday, April 27, 2021