ABA LOKIPASYON! Solidarity in Action: what can we do?
Posted on Sep 8, 2010
On Thursday, a group of students at the Harvard School of Public Health will launch a network for solidarity activism in support of grassroots Haitian organizations dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake. The event, called “Aba Lokipasyon! Solidarity in Action: What Can We Do?” will bring together people from around Boston to learn from and engage in discussion with solidarity organizers on the ground in Haiti. The event is part of the Political Economy of Health Seminar Series of HealthRoots, a student group that provides a forum for discussion of and action on the root causes of population health.
Thursday, September 9, 6:00 pm
Room G13, FXB Center, Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA
The speakers at the event will include Brian Concannon, Director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH), and Mark Snyder from International Action Ties (IAT). IJDH’s work has recently been focused on gender-based violence in the camps for internally displaced persons (IDP), forced evictions from IDP camps, and the upcoming election. IAT has been conducting monitoring of human rights violations, including forced evictions, in the IDP camps.
The organizers hope that this event will generate an interesting discussion about the direction of U.S.-based advocacy and will result in some action ideas for the short and long term. Please come if you are ready to take action around these issues or if you are just interested in learning more about what is happening around recovery and reconstruction in Haiti!
This event is sponsored by HealthRoots: Political Economy of Health Seminar Series. Contact dpanchang@gmail.com or call 248-765-0412 for more information.
Aba Lokipasyon: Haitian Kreyol for “down with the occupation”