
Partners In Health collaborates with national governments in 11 countries, across four continents, to ensure quality health care is available in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Our work focuses on strengthening public health systems to ensure patients receive the care they need--and deserve--in their homes, neighborhood clinics, and regional hospitals.

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  • Haiti
    Outside University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti
    MIREBALAIS, HAITI - Outside University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti.
    Photo by Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health

    Zanmi Lasante, a sister organization to PIH, has worked alongside the Haitian Ministry of Health for three decades to provide health care in two of the country’s most underprivileged and remote regions.  

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  • Kazakhstan
    Doctors observing a patient
    ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN - FEBRUARY 17, 2016: Dr. Yerkebulan Algozhin, the endTB/Kazakhstan Team Leader is observing the first patient taking the very first dose of the new TB drugs in Kazakhstan.
    Photo by Yekaterina Sahabutdinova / Partners In Health

    In Kazakhstan, PIH is redefining tuberculosis care and fighting the world’s deadliest infectious disease through technical assistance, patient accompaniment, and access to new TB drugs.

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  • Lesotho
    Nurse and health worker making a home visit
    Public health nurse Moleboheng Adam (left) and village health worker coordinator Bonang Motlomelo (right) make a home visit in Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho.
    Photo by Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health

    Known locally as Bo-mphato Litsebeletsong Tsa Bophelo, PIH works to strengthen health systems, combat high rates of HIV and TB, improve maternal and child health, and reshape care delivery.

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  • Liberia
    Patient laughing with nurses
    MONROVIA, LIBERIA - January 18, 2018: MDR-TB patient, Rufus Nangwe, shares laughs with Infection control nurse, Daniel (right) and Lydia Miranue at the National TB Annex.
    Photo by Aubrey Davis / Partners In Health

    PIH came to Liberia to fight Ebola at the government’s request, but stayed to help strengthen the public health system and improve access to care alongside the Ministry of Health.

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  • Malawi
    PIH’s NCD team visits Richard Mavuto and his family at their home in Chidakusani, Neno, Malawi
    Photo by Zack DeClerck / Partners In Health

    Partners In Health has worked since 2007 in the rural, southern district of Neno, Malawi, to provide comprehensive, integrated care for more than 140,000 people.

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  • Mexico
    A nurse checking on a baby
    JALTENANGO, CHIAPAS, MEXICO: Alma Rosa "Rosi" Valentin Martinez, an obstetrics nurse fulfilling her year of social service with CES, tends to Debora Sanchez Sanchez (not pictured) 5-day-old son.
    Photo by Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health

    Known locally as Compañeros En Salud, PIH is training the next generation of clinicians and improving access to health care in rural Chiapas—one of Mexico’s most marginalized states.

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  • Navajo Nation
    View of Kinłitsosinil in the southeastern part of Navajo Nation.
    Photo by Cameron Curley / COPE

    PIH is a proud partner of Community Outreach and Patient Empowerment (COPE), which works with local partners to address health disparities faced by American Indian populations.

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  • Peru
    Galo Muñoz, a volunteer doctor from Toronto, Canada; during his visit to Gabriel (boy) for his progress evaluation after achieving a reduction in the risk in his early childhood development.
    Photo by Melissa Toledo / Partners In Health

    Known locally as Socios En Salud, PIH is fighting diseases and improving health care access in some of Peru’s most vulnerable communities.

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  • Rwanda
    woman talking to two people at desk
    Beatha Nyirandagijimana talks with patient Sylvestre and his mother
    Photo by Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health

    Known locally as Inshuti Mu Buzima, PIH has worked in Rwanda since 2005, helping the government bring high-quality health care to more than 860,000 people across three districts.

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  • Sierra Leone
    mother laughing with her children
    FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE - DECEMBER 14, 2015: Ebola survivor Yabom Koroma relaxes with her family at their home in the Mountain Court section of Freetown, Sierra Leone.
    Photo by Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health

    In the wake of Ebola, and amidst some of the world's worst health outcomes, PIH is investing in health systems across Sierra Leone, transforming health care and radically reducing maternal mortality.

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  • United States
    person selects fruit from the open air market
    Immakolee, United States: Selecting fruit at the community food distribution center. | Photo by Caitlin Kleiboer

    PIH launched its U.S. arm in May 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, our work has expanded to focus on strengthening public and community health systems. 

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Where We Work

Outside University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti


Zanmi Lasante, a sister organization to PIH, has worked alongside the Haitian Ministry of Health for three decades to provide health care in two of the country’s most underprivileged and remote regions.  

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Doctors observing a patient


In Kazakhstan, PIH is redefining tuberculosis care and fighting the world’s deadliest infectious disease through technical assistance, patient accompaniment, and access to new TB drugs.

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Nurse and health worker making a home visit


Known locally as Bo-mphato Litsebeletsong Tsa Bophelo, PIH works to strengthen health systems, combat high rates of HIV and TB, improve maternal and child health, and reshape care delivery.

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Patient laughing with nurses


PIH came to Liberia to fight Ebola at the government’s request, but stayed to help strengthen the public health system and improve access to care alongside the Ministry of Health.

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Nurses lead a training for expecting mothers


Partners In Health has worked since 2007 in the rural, southern district of Neno, Malawi, to provide comprehensive, integrated care for more than 140,000 people.

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A nurse checking on a baby


Known locally as Compañeros En Salud, PIH is training the next generation of clinicians and improving access to health care in rural Chiapas—one of Mexico’s most marginalized states.

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Health worker checking up on patient

Navajo Nation

PIH is a proud partner of Community Outreach and Patient Empowerment (COPE), which works with local partners to address health disparities faced by American Indian populations.

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Father playing with his son


Known locally as Socios En Salud, PIH is fighting diseases and improving health care access in some of Peru’s most vulnerable communities.

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Two people talking to woman at desk


Known locally as Inshuti Mu Buzima, PIH has worked in Rwanda since 2005, helping the government bring high-quality health care to more than 860,000 people across three districts.

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mother laughing with her children

Sierra Leone

In the wake of Ebola, and amidst some of the world's worst health outcomes, PIH is investing in health systems across Sierra Leone, transforming health care and radically reducing maternal mortality.

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man in PPE swabs a child's nose

United States

PIH launched its U.S. arm in May 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, our work has expanded to focus on strengthening public and community health systems. 

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