Urgent: Contact U.S. Senators About Health Care Bill

Posted on Jun 26, 2017

The Better Care Reconciliation Act violates our right to health, and with the secret way it was crafted, it also violates our right to a fair deliberative process. As the Senate takes up debate, we remain committed to fighting for the right to health care for all.

There are so many ways that this bill violates PIH's core principles of making a preferential option for the poor. The bill threatens to:

1. Gut Medicare
2. Give tax cuts for the wealthy
3. Eliminate government subsidies for insurance
4. Remove protections for those with a pre-existing conditions
5. Defund Planned Parenthood

We must defeat this bill.  Use the suggested script below and call the senators listed at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

First, speak with the front desk person, “Hello, my name is ____________________ I am an American citizen (or a citizen of the state of the senator you are calling)."

If you are asked where you are from you can say either “I am not comfortable giving my address” or “I am an American citizen and this bill affects all of us.”

"I vote, I am involved in organizing. I am calling to register that I am AGAINST both the AHCA and the Senate’s bill to repeal and replace ACA.  I (or a loved one) have _____________a medical condition that requires on going care and medications. What I (or a loved one) need to stay healthy is UNDER THREAT because the  proposed senate bill (Better Care Reconciliation Act- BCRA) will cut subsidies for insurance, will result in far higher premiums for insurance, and will not protect me (or my loved one) because of this “pre-existing condition.” I believe that all of these cuts and restrictions are  being put in place to provide tax cuts for extremely wealthy people. This is unjust and violates the social contract of our society.  Also, I am enraged by the fact that this bill was crafted without any public hearings and done in secret. This violates our rights to a free and open process."

"I would like to speak to the health aid of Senator ___________________ to register my opinion on this terribly dangerous and deeply unfair bill."

IF THE HEALTH AID ANSWERS, repeat the personal story above.

"Thank you for your time, I appreciate the ability to register my strong opposition to this Senate’s bill to repeal the ACA and replace it with something that will result in tens of thousands of deaths and loss of health insurance coverage for more than 23 million people."


ARIZONA: Sen. Jeff Flake (R)
Legislative Assistant Helen Heiden • helen_heiden@flake.senate.gov • 202 224 4521

ARKANSAS: Sen. Thomas Cotton (R)
Abigail Welborn, Legislative Assistant • abigail_welborn@cotton.senate.gov • 202-224-2353

ALASKA: Sen. Murkowski, (R)
HELP Cmte Legislative Aide Morgan_Griffin@murkowski.senate.gov • 202 224 6665
Legislative Director Garrett_Boyle@murkowski.senate.gov • 202 224 6665

COLORADO: Sen. Cory Gardner (R)
Legislative Director Curtis Swager • curtis_swager@gardner.senate.gov • 202-224-5941
Ali Toal, Legislative Assistant • Alison_toal@gardner.senate.gov • 202-224-5941

LOUISIANA: Sen. Bill Cassidy (R)
Senior Health Policy Adviser Matt Gallivan *matthew_gallivan@cassidy.senate.gov • 202-224-5824
Research Analyst Davis Mills • David_Mills@cassidy.senate.gov • 202-224-5824

MAINE: Sen. Susan Collins (R)
Legislative Assistant Elizabeth Allen • elizabeth_allen@aging.senate.gov • 202 224 2523

OHIO: Sen. Rob Portman (R)
Legislative Assistant Sarah Schmidt • sarah_schmidt@portman.senate.gov • 202-224-3353

NEVADA: Sen Dean Heller (R)
Legislative Assistant Rachel Green • Rachel_Green@heller.senate.gov • 202 224 6244

WEST VIRGINIA: Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R)
Legislative Assistant Dana Richter • dana_richter@capito.senate.gov • 202-224-6472
Legislative Correspondent Mike Fischer • Mike_Fischer@capito.senate.gov • (202) 228-1395



ARIZONA: Sen. John McCain (R)
Legislative Assistant David Benne • david_bennet@mccain.senate.gov • 202-224-2235

ALABAMA: Sen. Luther Strange (R)
Legislative Correspondent Maria Olson • maria_olson@strange.senate.gov • 202-224-4124

ALABAMA: Sen. Richard Shelby (R)
Legislative Assistant Clay Armentrout • clay_armentrout@shelby.senate.gov • 202-224-4124

FLORIDA: Sen. Marco Rubio (R)
Legislative Assistant Ansley Rhyne • Ansley_rhyne@rubio.senate.gov • 202-224-3041

NORTH CAROLINA: Sen. Richard Burr (R)
Health Policy Director Angela Wiles • Angela_wiles@burr.senate.gov • 202-224-3154

PENNSYLVANIA: Sen. Patrick Toomey (R)
Legislative Assistant Theo Merkel • Theodore_merkel@toomey.senate.gov • 202-224-4254

WISCONSIN: Sen. Ronald Johnson (R)
Legislative Director Sean Riley • sean_riley@johnson.senate.gov • 202-224-5323

TEXAS: Sen. Ted Cruz (R)
Legislative Counsel Joel Heimbach • joel_heimbach@cruz.senate.gov • 202-224-5922

UTAH: Sen. Michael Lee (R)
Legislative Director Christy Woodruff • Christy_woodruff@lee.senate.gov • 202-224-5444
Legislative Assistant Andy Reuss & Leslie Ford • andy_reuss@lee.senate.govleslie_ford@lee.senate.gov •  202-224-5444

NEBRASKA: Sen. Ben Sasse (R)
Legislative Assistant Jessica Smith • jessica_smith@sasse.senate.gov • 202-224-4224

SOUTH CAROLINA: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R)
Legislative Aide Nick Myers • Nick_myers@lgraham.senate.gov • 202-224-5972

IOWA: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R)
Director of Health Policy Karen Summar • Karen_Summar@grassley.senate.gov • 202-224-3744

IOWA: Sen. Joni Ernst (R)
Legislative Assistant Andrea Hechavarria • Andrea_hechavarria@ernst.senate.gov • 202-224-3254

ARKANSAS: Sen. John Boozman (R)
Legislative Assistant Jennifer Humphrey • Jennifer_Humphrey@boozman.senate.gov • 202-224-4843

TENNESSEE: Sen. Robert Corker (R)
Health Care Policy Adviser Arne Owens • Arne_Owens@corker.senate.gov • 202-224-3344

TENNESSEE: Sen. Lamar Alexander (R)
Chief of Staff David Cleary • David_Cleary@help.senate.gov • 202-224-4944
Director of Operations Misty Marshall • Misty_Marshall@alexander.senate.gov •  202-224-4944




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