Former interns comment on the experience

Posted on Sep 27, 2009

At the end of the internship program every summer, participants are asked to evaluate the experience. We encourage them to be candid, in the hope that their comments will help us iron out problems and keep improving the experience every year. The overwhelming majority of responses are extremely positive, as the examples quoted here confirm.

“I really liked having various PIH members talk with us in an informal, more personal setting. Hearing about their work, philosophy, and how they got where they were provided some of the most valuable experiences I had over the summer.”

“I came with the expectations of learning more about PIH as an organization and how it works, as well as how medical science might be applied outside of the laboratory to real people in need. My first expectation was certainly realized, especially since we were invited to all the staff meetings and many of the program or site-specific ones as well – it was really an invaluable experience.”

“I think I have gained a much more informed perspective on global health challenges, as well as the myriad of details/issues/problems that need to be addressed in order to meet those challenges.”

“In terms of science, instead of learning about its applications, I learned how it is often misused when it comes to global health policies, and that a purely “scientific” approach is often not applicable to some of the problems that need to be dealt with.”

 “It was really great for me to be able to work with different people at PIH on their various projects rather than focusing entirely on my own research project.”

“I have learned that although science can be a powerful tool, it is not (or should not) always be the final word.”

“The internship as a whole has made me more excited about the training I hope to receive in medical school, and I think that motivation will definitely help carry me through some of the perhaps less enjoyable years of my life.”

“I expected to get an inside look at how PIH manages to do what I perceive to be some of the most outstanding work in resource-poor settings, particularly in Haiti.  Having unfettered access to meetings and personal interactions with staff of all levels was instrumental in helping me meet this expectation.”

“This was one of the most amazing summers I have ever had – thanks so much for the opportunity!!”

“Having a heterogeneous group is conducive to learning from each other, and brings more skills and experiences to the table.”

“Talk to people.  PIH is full of fascinating stories, and everyone seems willing to share.” 

“The research I did will contribute to my base knowledge that will support me in my career and studies.”

“The work I did around the office, outside of my specific project, provided valuable experience that will help with my career.” 

“Making connections and meeting people with whom I can collaborate and work in the future is of much value.”

“I liked the group meetings and the chance to hear about what everyone else was doing.  I also really enjoyed the lunches with PIH staff.”

“My project was very interesting and seemed to come into a life of its own. 

 “Helping with the AIDS manual and the Global Fund proposal really drew on my studies.  It was nice to see how the nuts and bolts of my studies are integrated into the everyday workings of an organization.”

“I really like the research model; it capitalized on the strengths of everyone.  And it was nice to have a variety of people around to bounce ideas off of.”

“The structure allowed for a very diverse experience—not only could we work on our own projects, but the opportunity was available to work on office-oriented projects as well.”

“The heterogeneity was great.  It made the summer interesting to interact with a varied group of people. Overall though, I liked the different individual projects in the research model, with the opportunity to work on a group project.”

“I liked the group meetings and the chance to hear about what everyone else was doing.  I also really enjoyed the lunches with PIH staff.”

“Take advantage of every opportunity!”

“The program seemed to be very well organized and engaging on many levels.”

Dr. Paul Farmer sharing a friendly moment with one of his staff.

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PIH Founders - Jim Kim, Ophelia Dahl, Paul Farmer

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