Hurricane Stan: Tragedy does not strike equally

Posted on Oct 10, 2005

Since October 5, 2005, we have been following the tragedy unfolding in the PIH supported project in Chiapas, Mexico in the wake of Hurricane Stan. While Hurricane Stan was officially downgraded to a "tropical depression" by the time it made land fall on the Pacific coast of Mexico and Guatemala, its effects have been devastating. Like Katrina, the storm has disproportionately affected the poor.

The hurricane affected many of the municipalities where PIH has been working with a community-based organization, EAPSEC, in Chiapas. The majority of people live in houses with thatched roofs, dirt floors—flimsy stock for the 100 mile an hour winds and torrential rain. Mud slides have overtaken many areas burying entire communities and making access to clean, potable water scarce.

For over 20 years, EAPSEC has been providing basic health services and training health promoters in Chiapas. Due to the storm, the roads have become impassible, communication lines have been downed, cutting off the most vulnerable and making it difficult for EAPSEC to reach the communities they serve.

EAPSEC urgently needs financial support to purchase a 4 wheel drive vehicle to be able to reach the affected areas and continue to provide essential health services and now, emergency health services to the poor of Chiapas, Mexico.

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