Listen: Paul Farmer on podcast, "Why Am I Telling You This?"

Posted on Jul 25, 2019

Paul Farmer cares for a patient with TB and HIV in Sierra Leone
Dr. Paul Farmer, PIH co-founder and chief strategist, visits with a patient who was recently diagnosed with tuberculosis at Koidu Government Hospital in Kono District, Sierra Leone. Photo by John Ra / Partners In Health

Dr. Paul Farmer, Partners In Health co-founder and chief strategist, recently sat down with Chelsea Clinton for a full episode of the Clinton Foundation’s new podcast, “Why Am I Telling You This?” Clinton has followed Farmer's work for 20 years, since she was a student at Stanford University, and sits on PIH's Board of Trustees. 

In their wide-ranging and dynamic conversation about global health, Farmer and Clinton discuss his fundamental belief that everyone has an obligation to help narrow, and eventually erase, the health divide between the world’s rich and poor. Topics also include why and how Farmer helped launch PIH, well before the phrase “global health equity” existed; combating HIV/AIDS in Haiti and the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa; and building comprehensive health systems in countries as diverse as Lesotho, Rwanda, and Mexico.

The podcast launched May 1. Farmer and Clinton’s conversation is the fifth episode, titled “Paul Farmer Fights for Global Health Equity.”  

Listen to the full podcast episode, here.

Dr. Paul Farmer sharing a friendly moment with one of his staff.

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PIH Founders - Jim Kim, Ophelia Dahl, Paul Farmer

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