Mirebalais Hospital - June donation update

Posted on Jun 7, 2011

The walls of isolation wards for patients with highly infectious diseases went up rapidly this past week.

The rainy season is in full swing, which can often make construction very challenging.

Scope of hospital as of June 6th, 2011.

We’re very happy to report that since our last donor update, we have received a very generous donation from Boston’s own Marr Scaffolding Company. They are supplying us with scaffolding to be used on the construction site. This donation makes the site a much safer place for each and every worker. Thank you to everyone at Marr Scaffolding Company, it is because of companies and people like you that this project is achievable.  

We’d like to take this time to mention that the Mirebalais Hospital Project is still in need of many refurbished materials, tools and equipment.  One small tool can go a long way! If you’d be interested in donating or seeing a list of needed materials, please contact Heidi at hburgess@pih.org

Check back next week for a construction update from the National Teaching Hospital! If you’d like to view more photos on the hospital progress, please visit our photo gallery.

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