Mirebalais Hospital's walls take shape

Posted on Jan 13, 2011

The walls have begun to go up at the National Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais--a state-of-the-art, 320 bed facility built by Partners In Health and its sister organization in Haiti, Zanmi Lasante (ZL), in partnership with the Haitian Ministry of Health.

The first ward – a women’s outpatient facility – has begun to take shape, and will be completed in the coming months. Once the hospital opens in early 2012, it will serve hundreds of people each day. It will also be the largest public medical facility in the country outside of the Port-au-Prince.

The facility will also provide a quality educational environment for medical and nursing students to gain experience in the delivery of high-quality care in a rural setting.

Watch a video about Haiti’s new hospital in the player below.

In November 2008, Haiti’s Ministry of Health asked Haiti to fill a void in the region by building a new hospital. After last year’s earthquake, the hospital’s plans were significantly revised and expanded to accommodate the new needs facing the country’s health care infrastructure.

A cholera treatment center was constructed within days of the outbreak in October, and has been fully operational since then.

Read more about the National Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais.


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