NPR Interview: Katie Bollbach Discusses Creating A More Equitable Public Health System

Katie Bollbach speaks with NPR about what the U.S. public health system can learn from best practices in low-income countries, and the challenges of doing this work in America.

Posted on Jan 11, 2022

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America spends $3.8 trillion on health care annually, more than any other country. Yet when it comes to creating a more equitable public health system, it could learn a thing or two from some of the world's poorest nations, says Katie Bollbach, executive director of Partners in Health United States.

Partners in Health is best known for providing health care in some of the most under-resourced places on Earth. They have responded to epidemics like HIV in Haiti and Ebola in West Africa. But when the coronavirus pandemic struck, the nonprofit saw that its expertise was also desperately needed in one of the world's richest countries.

Read the full interview here. 

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