NPR's Morning Edition reports on impact of Mirebalais Hospital
Posted on Jan 27, 2012
Driving up to Mirebalais National Teaching Hospital, the largest reconstruction project in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake.
On January 25, NPR's Jason Beaubien reported on the role Mirebalais National Teaching Hospital, a collaborative project between PIH and the Government of Haiti, plays in Haiti's recovery. Listen to this compelling story, "State-Of-The-Art Hospital Offers Hope For Haiti", which played on Morning Edition.

A view inside the new 320-bed, 180,000 square foot medical complex, the largest in Haiti.
Even before the devastating earthquake in 2010, Haiti's public health care system was perhaps the worst in the Western Hemisphere. Then the quake knocked down clinics, killed medical workers and severely damaged the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, the capital.
Now, the Boston-based group Partners in Health has set out to build a world-class teaching hospital in what used to be a rice field in the Haitian countryside.
Amid much talk about the slow pace of recovery, the hospital is a concrete sign of progress. The project is also being touted as a possible model for international aid in the developing world.
Listen to Jason Beaubien's piece "State-Of-The-Art Hospital Offers Hope For Haiti" in its entirety.
Learn more about Mirebalais Hospital.