PIH on CNN International

Posted on Mar 27, 2011

On January 24, Partners In Health officially opened Butaro Hospital in Rwanda’s Northern Province. Built in just two years, the world-class, 150-bed Butaro District Hospital represents a major milestone in high-quality medical care for over 320,000 people. Our vision is that Butaro will not only provide medical care, but also serve as a flagship medical education and innovation center for Rwanda and the region.

On Saturday, April 2, and on the subsequent days, CNN International’s “Inside Africa” will feature Butaro Hospital and our collaboration with the Rwandan Ministry of Health to strengthen the health system in Rwanda’s rural northern Burera District.

We hope you will be able to tune in to "Inside Africa," a half-hour news magazine, that airs worldwide (but not in the US) seven times in the next week. Air times (all GMT) are:  Saturday at 0330, 0900, and 1630; Sunday at 2330 and 1430; Tuesday at 0730; and Wednesday at 0330. Visit "Inside Africa’s" website for more information about air times.

In his remarks at the hospital’s opening, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda said, “Butaro is more than a hospital. It is a unique story of exceptional people with the desire to see positive change in the world and in communities like the one hosting us today ... It is also a story about strong and mutually benefiting partnerships and the fact that when we come together and join forces, commendable results can be achieved.”

Read more about the flagship Butaro Hospital and PIH’s collaboration with the Rwandan government to rebuild Burera’s health system.

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