Engage Featured Resources

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PIH Engage Resources

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Chapter 01: History and Values of PIH [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 01: PIH Change Narrative [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 02: Health, Healing, and Social Justice (p. 379-394) [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 02: Structural_Violence - Addressing The Root of Illness [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 03: A Social Justice Approach to Global Health [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 03: Health, Healing, and Social Justice (p. 394-402) [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 04: Re-Imagining Global_Health (p. 340-353) [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 04: Right to Health Movement [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 05: Leadership and Organization in the Movement for the Right to Health [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 05: Leading Change - Leadershing, Organization, and Social Movements [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 06: From Theory to Practice - Four Social Theories for Global Health [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 06: The Art of Medicine Four Social Theories for Global Health [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 07: Health Care Delivery - Staff, Stuff, Space, and Systems [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 07: Redefining Global Health - Care Delivery [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 08: Challenges in Global Health - Horizontal and Vertical Approaches [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 08: Mass Campaigns versus General health services [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 09: Chronic Infectious Disease and the Future of Health Care Delivery [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 09: Scaling Up in Global Health - Bridging the "Know-Do" Gap [Discussion].pdf
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Chapter 10: Building Research Capacity in Africa [Reading].pdf
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Chapter 10: Ethical Global Health Research [Discussion].pdf
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How to use PIH Engage Curriculum.pdf
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Overview & Guide of Curriculum.pdf
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22 files | 8.29 MB