PIH Recommendations

The Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) 202

Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism Funding Requests

The Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) 2021 represents an unprecedented opportunity to translate emergency response funding into long term systems improvements to enable countries to be better prepared for future pandemics and reinforce the essential backbone of their health systems. As Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and National COVID-19 Response Taskforces come together to develop plans for investing these funds, this operational guidance will aid country writing teams with program design and source language for developing their funding requests.

PIH’s recommendations are intended to complement and not duplicate existing guidance provided by the Global Fund, World Health Organization, and others.  We recommend high-value investments in several areas, however, emphasize that these are not comprehensive of all worthwhile interventions.  Each of the 7 toolkits included here within provide a recommended package of objectives, interventions, and cost areas and considers program design considerations and trade-offs.

This guidance is meant to reinforce the importance of investing in existing public health infrastructure rather than creating a vertical, parallel COVID-19 response platform, to raise the standard of care across all levels of the health system from community to primary health center to district hospital to tertiary referral hospitals.

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