woman giving vaccination to shot to woman sitting

PIH’s Strategy for Achieving Equity in COVID-19 Vaccination

Widespread, equitable vaccination is a critical component to bring COVID-19 under control. However, the initial US rollout has been remarkably inequitable, and we risk further burdening those who have already suffered disproportionately--people of color, as well as poor and marginalized communities--if we do not intervene.

Our Toolkit for Achieving Vaccine Equity

Explore our vaccine toolkit – a set of practical tools and guidelines developed with and for public health implementers around the country to promote equitable and effective vaccine rollout. We focus on two key areas of implementation: Strategy and Operations (supply) and Community Engagement (demand).

If you would like an editable version of any of the materials below for easier adaptation to your program and context, please email learningcollab@pih.org.

Eligibility is not Access

Across the United States, expanded vaccine eligibility offers hope that within months enough Americans will be immunized to allow the safe resumption of normal activity. However, even with open eligibility, our health system is not designed to ensure vaccine access and uptake for all. We advocate for continuing to prioritize those most at risk while building systems for long-term access to healthcare and social supports.

VIEW our strategy >>

View one city's approach to centering equity in its response to COVID-19. The New Orleans Health Department’s unrelenting drive for equity has meant that it has focused on its most vulnerable residents, prioritizing them for outreach, testing, and vaccination.

VIEW case study >>

Strategy and Operations (Supply-side)

Vx Requirements Done Right: Centering Equity

While these requirements (“vaccine mandates”) have potential to encourage much-needed vaccine uptake and protect individuals and their communities, they should be instituted with careful and nuanced consideration of vaccine access.

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The Delta Variant and Breakthrough Cases

This document explores the changing landscape of COVID-19, sharing what you need to know about the delta variant and what it means for vaccine effectiveness, breakthrough infections, and the continued importance of vaccination in pandemic control.

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CORE-PIH Vaccine Site Operations Manual

Created in partnership with Community Organized Relief Effort (CORE), this operations manual details the essential components and considerations in establishing and operating vaccination sites in partnership with community stakeholders, and with an eye on equity, access, and cost-effectiveness.

Achieving Equity in Rollout: Care Resource Coordination

A rare and important opportunity to connect communities and individuals into health and public health systems, vaccination campaigns can be leveraged to improve community trust by building sustainable linkages to care and community resources.

Vaccine Information for Contact Tracers

Contact tracers and case investigators (CT/CI) are well positioned to provide information on vaccination to the individuals they speak with each day. This training equips CT/CIs with consistent and accurate vaccine information.

Technical Briefing: COVID-19 Vaccination for Undocumented Individuals

Undocumented individuals represent large proportions of the U.S. essential workforce and should be considered both high-risk and high-exposure, making them a priority for vaccination irrespective of citizenship status.  

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Technical Briefing: COVID-19 Variants

With viral variants emerging, this briefing explores their impacts on response strategy and outlines the most important implications for testing and vaccination. 

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Technical Briefing: COVID-19 Vaccine Costs

All vaccines provided through the U.S. government will be free of charge. This briefing explores vaccine costs and reimbursement for all insurance statuses. 

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Vaccine Site-Planning Tool

Designed for small and medium vaccine operations, this practical guide walks through an easy-to-use tool to aid in vaccine site planning and operations.

Site-planning tool >>
Vaccine Dose-Tracking Tool

Designed for small and medium vaccine operations, this practical guide walks through an easy-to-use dose tracking tool to aid in day-to-day operations.

DOSe-tracking tool >>
Instructions for use >>
Employer Briefing: How can I help?

This briefing discusses the role of employers as valued community partners in COVID-19 response & recovery.

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J&J Pause Talking Points

View our quick takes on the J&J pause and resumption and what it means for equitable rollout. 

Equity mapping: Visualizing vulnerability & vaccine access

Mapping is a data visualization approach that adds important context to quantitative data; it can spark discussion and drive collaborative planning among community stakeholders with the shared goal of improving vaccine access. 

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Community Engagement (Demand-side)

Community Leader Mobilization Training

This training presentation is designed to equip community leaders to serve as trusted messengers within their communities, understanding and addressing concerns as well as providing information on how, when, and where vaccines will be available. 

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Explainer Infographic: How mRNA vaccines work

Use this infographic handout in community outreach to make the science of mRNA vaccines more accessible to those without a science background.



Town Hall Facilitation Guidelines 

This facilitation guide can help you organize and host a town hall in your community, to disseminate information and address questions and concerns about COVID-19 vaccination. 

View Now >>
Community Forum Informational Slides

This informational deck can be used to share information in a variety of community outreach settings, including town halls and door-to-door outreach to improve vaccine confidence in your communities. 

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Frequently Asked Questions: Community and Clinical

View our growing list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers, informed by our technical experts and on the ground work in vaccine rollout. 

Kids >>
Community >>
Clinical >>        

Community (Spanish)
Clinical (Spanish)

woman injecting needle into bottle containing vaccine

To achieve equity, we are focused on:

  • Reducing barriers to access for the most vulnerable;
  • Increasing vaccine uptake in hardest-hit communities;
  • Connecting vaccination rollout to longer-term rebuild efforts.

Working with departments of public health, federally qualified health centers, community-based organizations, and private sector actors, PIH is helping achieve these goals through: (1) operational & strategic planning and (2) community engagement/empowerment.