News and Stories
Fighting a Growing COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico
Partners In Health has worked in Chiapas, Mexico since 2011, strengthening local health systems and accompanying patients. As COVID-19 has spread, that mission hasn’t changed. But it’s taken on a new urgency.
Now Answering Calls: A COVID Case Investigator’s Story
As a case investigator with the Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative, Alex Cross knows firsthand that contact tracing is about much more than picking up the phone and tracking cases; it’s about connecting people with social support.
June 15, 2020
The Rise of a Lifesaving Blood Bank in Sierra Leone
In Kono, Sierra Leone, a low-stocked, unreliably cold refrigerator used to serve as the Koidu Government Hospital blood bank. Thanks to investments from PIH, the blood bank is now a thriving department, transforming care for pregnant women and patients throughout the hospital.
June 11, 2020
Need to Know: OpenBoxes and Supply Chain
In this Need to Know, learn about OpenBoxes, an open source software system PIH's Medical Informatics team developed to manage and track the movement, consumption, and storage of supplies.
June 11, 2020
PIH Liberia, Government Partners Establish New COVID-19 Center
Clincians had monitored 21 patients at the newly established center as of June 1, providing medical attention and psychosocial support in the coastal city of Harper.
June 5, 2020
Celebrating New Possibilities at Sierra Leone’s Only Psychiatric Hospital
At a celebration of completed renovations of Sierra Leone Psychiatric Teaching Hospital, PIH-Sierra Leone's executive director gave a speech remarking on the hospital's transformation--and, in the context of protests over police brutality and systemic racism in the U.S, on the two countries' shared "history of injustice."
June 5, 2020
Mental, Emotional Toll of COVID-19 on Haitian Teen Girls and Young Women
The Women and Girls Initiative, under the umbrella of PIH, works to help young women and adolescent girls manage their mental and emotional well-being while COVID-19 has sidetracked their educational plans in Haiti.
June 3, 2020
PIH’s Public Statement in Response to Death of George Floyd
PIH stands in solidarity with black and brown communities terrorized by racial inequity and state-sponsored violence, vowing to partner with community organizations that have been fighting these issues for years.
June 1, 2020
Research: Rwanda Referral Program Saving Cancer Patients’ Lives
Clinicians at PIH-supported Butaro District Hospital provided access to vital radiotherapy at a time when none was available in the country.
May 29, 2020
Testing for COVID-19 Along the Haiti-Dominican Republic Border
Zanmi Lasante staff screen and provide COVID-19 rapid diagnostic tests for travelers entering Haiti from the Dominican Republic, helping stop the spread of the virus throughout Haiti.
May 29, 2020