News and Stories
Ophelia Dahl Tells WBUR We Must Fight "for the Humanity of All People"
PIH Co-founder Ophelia Dahl spoke of her experience working alongside Haitian colleagues in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake and the importance of fighting for the humanity of all people.
PIH Making Strides Against TB, Stigma in Kazakhstan
Partners In Health and collaborators are taking big steps forward in the fight against tuberculosis in Kazakhstan, where increasing use of the first new TB drugs in decades, an innovative clinical trial, and digital technologies that better connect patients to caregivers all are raising hopes for more successful treatments.
January 17, 2018
PIH Stands with Haiti on Earthquake Anniversary
On the earthquake anniversary, one PIH leader in Haiti reflects on the country's current state, and it's inability to welcome 60,000 Haitian nationals from the U.S. once their Temporary Protected Status expires in 2019.
January 11, 2018
Malawi Program Making GAINs in Maternal Health
Clinicians at Partners In Health-supported facilities around the world provided more than 30,000 safe, facility-based childbirths in 2017, according to year-end estimates—and thanks to a growing collaboration, more and more of those safe childbirths are happening in a rural district in Malawi.
January 8, 2018
A Mission to Stop Cholera in Haiti
Working with Haiti's Ministry of Health, PIH hopes to eliminate cholera in Mirebalais, home to nearly 100,000, through vaccinations, hygiene education, and water filtration systems.
December 21, 2017
2017: The Year in Quotes
Inspiration in a sentence—that’s what we were looking for as we sifted through our stories about Partners In Health in 2017. Like any round-up, this collection of quotes falls short of conveying the breadth and depth of all that was accomplished this year. PIH staff saw 1.5 million patients in clinics and hospitals, never mind the hundreds of thousands consulted in their homes.
December 18, 2017
New Year, New Maternity Ward in Liberia
Every month, at least one or two pregnant women travel great distances—often spending hours bouncing down dirt roads on the backs of motorcycles—to arrive at the gate of Pleebo Health Center in southeast Liberia. The Partners In Health-supported center is in Maryland County, one of the poorest places in the world, with 84 percent of people unable to adequately feed, clothe, and shelter themselves.
December 18, 2017
"New Yorker" Celebrates PIH Co-Founder Ophelia Dahl as World Changer
Ophelia Dahl, a PIH co-founder and current board chair, made The New Yorker's end-of-year World Changers list for her decades-long work building health care systems in some of the poorest places around the world.
December 11, 2017
Sierra Leone’s Newest Fight
It was a landmark, a triumph, a watershed moment—without fanfare. On Oct. 6, two doctors stood under the awning of a yellow hospital on the western edge of Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, and gave instructions to the first patients to be discharged from the first tuberculosis treatment program of its kind in the country. “If you have a problem, if you have a question, call us,” one doctor said. “You have my number.”
December 1, 2017
NYT Columnist Kristof Promotes PIH's 'Superb Work' Fighting Cervical Cancer in Haiti
Partners In Health received a heartwarming show of support Saturday from The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who promoted PIH's reproductive health and cervical cancer efforts in his annual holiday giving guide.
December 1, 2017