Bending the Arc Film

Documentary Following PIH, Bending the Arc, Now on Netflix

Bending the Arc, a universally acclaimed documentary, tells the story of Partners In Health’s early years and the global movement for health justice. It is a story about hope in the face of overwhelming obstacles, and the possibilities that emerge when we reject despair and cynicism in favor of optimism and action.

The documentary, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2017, follows a burgeoning global health movement through the experiences of PIH leaders Dr. Paul Farmer, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, Ophelia Dahl, Dr. Joia Mukherjee, and others. It won top honors at multiple film festivals around the country.  And now, at long, last, PIH fans and newfound friends you can stream the film now on Netflix

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What People Are Saying

Bending the Arc is a heartwarming and radiant offering. Most magically, it transcends the colossal power of its own story to show how individual beings, one step at a time, can right the course of inequality and injustice.”

The Hollywood Reporter

“For anyone who wants to believe in the promise of Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote, 'the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice,' a film like Bending the Arc is downright inspiring.”

- Variety 

“For humanists and activists today, who perceive the present social climate as a dark one, I have no doubt that Davidson and Kos’ documentary will energize and offer hope.”

- Patheos

“For proof that hope and determination make a difference, pessimists and cynics need look no further than “Bending the Arc.”

- The Boston Globe

“…the archival footage, the impassioned interviews, and the inspiring story of how warriors for solutions can overcome entrenched views on poverty and health, make for something genuinely stirring.”

- The Los Angeles Times

"Ultimately, though, "Bending the Arc” is not a tale of despair and death. Over three decades, Farmer’s quest to treat Haitians evolved into something bigger. Partners in Health, the organization he founded with his friends, established a global framework to empower communities to treat tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and other diseases.”

- The Washington Post

Learn More

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Visit the Film Website