A Haitian mother with her child
A Haitian mother with her child

PIH Women’s Alliance of Chicago

The Partners In Health Women’s Alliance is a philanthropic, learning, and service initiative in Chicago aimed at inspiring a group of women philanthropists to have a positive impact on the health of women and children by becoming educated on the issues, engaging with PIH leadership and staff, advocating for PIH’s patients, and mobilizing philanthropic resources.

Members do more than make donations. They listen and learn, forge and facilitate relationships, and be a hands-on experiential group of activists committed to PIH’s mission to bring high-quality health care to some of the world’s most impoverished people.

Upcoming Events 
Women's Alliance of Chicago's Hit & Kit Event 

Come on your own or bring your favorite partners to learn and play pickleball with pros from SPF, pack kits for new mothers in Haiti, and participate in a silent auction for the PIH Women's Alliance second annual Hit & Kit event. Players of all genders and levels welcome!

Kits packed will benefit Partners In Health's maternal waiting home, Kay Manmito, in Haiti. Many women who receive them may not have had immediate access to these materials initially, and many others lack access after potentially having to flee their homes due to recent violence in Haiti. Our colleagues at Kay Manmito have consistently emphasized how vital these kits are for expecting mothers. Your support helps ensure dignified motherhood and childbirth, providing essential hygienic tools to safeguard their health.

Date and time 
Wednesday, October 23 at SPF in Chicago

SPF Chicago
2121 North Clybourn Avenue Chicago, IL 60614

Why Women?

Women are the champions of health care in their communities. Delivering more than 90% of health care globally, women are the backbone of health systems and also serve as the lynchpins of their families and communities. When a mother dies in childbirth, the entire family and community suffer. When women are healthy, poverty and malnutrition decline, living standards improve, and economic growth increases.


Today, women’s collective and individual philanthropic influence are stronger than ever. Women now control a greater share of philanthropic dollars and have more influence over the key issues of our time. At the same time, women’s health and rights around the world are under attack. We are calling on women philanthropic leaders to stand in solidarity with the women and children we serve around the world.


Fanta smiling

Meet Fanta

Fanta lives in Sierra Leone, one of the world’s most dangerous places to be pregnant. Like many women, she thought she had no safe options. But with PIH’s help, Fanta gave birth safely to her son, John, via C-section.



Benefits and Activities

Members of the PIH Women’s Alliance will become ambassadors for women’s and children’s health and for PIH, growing their understanding of the issues while also expanding the circle of women philanthropists engaged with PIH. Members will get an inside look at PIH’s work through the following benefits and activities:

  • Access to a leading global health organization and its visionary leadership.
  • A calendar of 6 to 8 educational and inspiring events with PIH leaders and experts from around the world, including two members-only events per year.
  • Members-only trips to PIH sites around the world.
  • Opportunities to include the next generation in PIH Women’s Alliance activities and events.
  • The chance to meet other female philanthropic leaders from your community and around the country.
  • Induction into the PIH Leadership Giving Society, which offers unique engagement opportunities for $1,000+ annual donors.
  • A greater understanding of how to engage in more strategic, sustainable, and impactful philanthropy.
  • Formal and informal leadership opportunities

Who We Are


Executive Committee

  • Elizabeth Cicchelli* ^, Co-founder and PIH Trustee
  • Jennifer Lane Landolt*, Chair
  • Lisa Gregg* ", Co-founder and PIH Trustee
  • Marjorie Benton*, Co-founder, Chair Emeritus, and Trustee
  • Stacey Kaniewski*, Membership Chair, and Vice-Chair


  • Betsy Morgan
  • Carrie Kamp
  • Deneese Walia Levin
  • Elizabeth Cicchelli
  • Ginger Hecht
  • Jennifer Lane Landolt
  • Judith Cothran
  • Judy Wise
  • Kamana Mbekeani
  • Lara Moynihan
  • Laura Sandahl
  • Lea Taylor
  • Linda Loving*
  • Lisa Gregg
  • Margaret Stineman*
  • Marian Jacobson
  • Marjorie Benton
  • Melissa Haley
  • Meredith George
  • Monica George
  • Persida Louison*
  • Sara Swift
  • Sarah Urist Green
  • Sharon Walsh
  • Stacey Kaniewski
  • Susan Payne*
  • Terri Abruzzo*
  • Theresa Herlevsen
  • Wende Fox Lawson
  • Yasmin Cavenagh

Honorary Members

  • Carole Segal
  • Heidi Bailey
  • Lucy Ascoli
  • Jan Schakowsky



* Steering Committee
^ Previous Chair
" Previous Vice Chair 

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