PIH Applauds U.S. Decision to Host the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s Historic Seventh Replenishment Conference

NOVEMBER 16, 2021

PIH CEO Sheila Davis said today:

We applaud the announcement that the United States will host the Global Fund’s replenishment in the fall of 2022.

The Global Fund, which over the past two decades has saved 44 million lives, has been incredibly effective at pooling global resources to end the epidemics of AIDS, TB, and malaria. But as with so many illnesses, care for those suffering from HIV, TB, and malaria was undermined by COVID-19.

The Global Fund is the best-situated funding mechanism to scale up the health systems investments necessary for both responding to emerging pandemics and ending existing pandemics of HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria, given its long track record of engaging civil society, government agencies, and implementing partners to collectively develop comprehensive national strategies leading to more resilient health systems. The replenishment presents a real opportunity to raise global ambition and significant new resources, while centering health equity in global cooperation for pandemic preparedness and response, for now and into the future.

This need for cross-cutting health system investments is felt intimately by PIH staff—some 19,955 across 11 countries—in responding to HIV, TB, malaria, and COVID-19, as well as in preparing for future epidemics. Every medication and laboratory test and data system expansion that is supported through Global Fund resources makes a visible difference in their communities.

We thank the Biden Administration for its leadership and global solidarity in hosting this historic replenishment.

Read more about PIH’s hopes for the Global Fund: The Global Fund: A Foundation for Health Equity