Tracy Kidder: "He Wanted to Make the Whole World His Patient"

Courtesy of Tracy Kidder.
Courtesy of Tracy Kidder.
Tracy Kidder, bestselling author of Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World, wrote a tribute to Paul Farmer. The following is an excerpt from The New York Times:
"Paul’s basic belief was that all human beings deserve equal respect and care, especially when they are sick. His dream, he once told me, was to start a movement that would refuse to accept, and would strive to repair, the grotesque health inequities among and within the countries of the world. When I first met him — in Haiti, in 1994 — he had already created a growing health care system in a desperately impoverished area. I thought he’d done a lot already. Now, looking back, I realize that he was just getting started."