mother and child get health services

Our Approach

At PIH-US, we envision a future where structures of oppression no longer determine the quality or length of a person’s life.  

We know that health systems are only effective when designed to respond to the social determinants of health such as education, income, and social protections. We work alongside local public health and community leaders to achieve this by helping partners set clear health and racial equity agendas and provide technical advising and operational support to deliver on those commitments. This experience informs our advocacy agenda at the state and federal levels. 

Along the way, we lay the groundwork for stronger community health systems across the country. 



Technical Advising


Our staff work as both strategic advisers and partners in implementation and operations. Whether providing immediate tactical support or long-term strategic planning, we’re driven to find solutions. From creating operating protocols and workforce planning tools and designing hiring practices and job description libraries to facilitating community needs assessments and deploying community health workers, we roll up our sleeves to help address day-to-day issues faced by public health and community leaders.




We convene and support coalitions of varied voices to advance the movement for health equity. Together with our partners, we advocate for policies and mobilize resources that lead to a stronger, more just and responsive community health system. We use our experiences at the local level to shape our advocacy agenda at the state and federal levels, focusing primarily on expanding fair and just access to care, shoring up funding for public health infrastructure and the community health workforce, and advocating for stronger social service systems.