Honor Tom White's 100th Birthday

On March 10, 2020, Partners In Health celebrates the 100th birthday of PIH Co-founder Thomas J. White (1920-2011).

Posted on Feb 19, 2020

Tom White greeting children in a clinic in Cange, Haiti
Tom White visiting Haiti in the early days of PIH's work in Cange.

Tom’s early belief in PIH’s vision for a more just world saved millions of lives. Whether financing the construction of PIH’s first clinic in Cange, Haiti, or investing in the expensive drug regimens for PIH’s first multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients, Tom’s investment in providing high-quality health care to those who need it most changed global health delivery forever.

We understand most people will not follow Tom’s radical lead of giving away most, if not all, of their wealth during their lifetime; however, we continually hear from supporters who aspire to live more into Tom’s spirit of generosity. 

Join Tom’s Circle, PIH’s legacy society, by naming PIH in your will, trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy, or annuity. As a legacy supporter, you will be ensuring that PIH is able to help cure injustice for years to come.

“I have always tried to emphasize the following three things: 1) Don’t be apathetic – be involved, 2) Live your life, at least in part, for other people, 3) Realize that there is an urgency to your giving, especially if you are giving to the poor.” – Tom White

PIH’s facility in Cange has grown from a one-room clinic to a fully functional hospital with inpatient, outpatient, surgical, and specialized care available to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. It is a symbol of hope for the poor throughout Haiti. 

Similarly, MDR-TB is no longer a death sentence in resource poor settings. That initial cohort of Peruvian patients treated with medication paid for through Tom’s investment had a lasting impact by helping us prove that the disease could be cured, which in turn helped change global policy.

Tom was, in PIH Co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer’s words, a model of what generosity, compassion, and service can mean in this world. He did not take shortcuts in his charitable work, but went all in. He saw the power of the work he was investing in and knew that his financial contributions could have immediate impact on some of the biggest global health problems the world faces today. That kind of investment is empowering, and it had a direct return on investment in his head, heart, and the larger world.

You too can have a lasting impact through a legacy gift ensuring that health care is a human right for all people. 

  1. Create an estate plan to protect those you care for most and ensure PIH can continue to support patients across four continents.  Use the FreeWill service to channel the generosity of Tom, while maintaining control over your assets during your lifetime. You retain the right to change your gift at any time.

  2. List PIH as a beneficiary of a retirement account. Retirement assets are heavily taxed. Family members and heirs can receive 50% or less, but non-profit organizations receive 100%. It’s as easy as filling out a form. 

  3. A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and PIH that offers a tax-advantaged way to provide for income during retirement. In the future, your gift will provide support for our mission.

“I received a tremendous gift. For the first time in my life, I was able to give with complete confidence that my donations would be used in the best possible way.” – Tom White

Our gift planning team welcomes the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about legacy gifts, collaborate with your existing team of advisors, and welcome you into Tom’s Circle once you confirm your intention. Stating your intention allows us to welcome you into Tom’s Circle (anonymous options available), and ensures we can fulfill your plans and be a proactive partner in the gift realization process.

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