Our partners in health: Charlie Wilder, aka DJ Captain Planet

Posted on Feb 3, 2010

For Charlie Wilder, (aka ChuckWild, aka DJ Captain Planet) supporting Partners In Health is a family affair. A professional DJ since he was 16, Charlie recently made a digital “mixtape” of Haitian music from the 1960s and 70s and offered it as a download from his website in exchange for a minimum $5 donation to PIH. He named it “Music=Medicine,” and as of January 31, sales of the mixtape have already raised $4,300.

Charlie, who has several friends in Haiti, some of whom he still has not heard from since the earthquake, first learned about PIH from his sister. She has spent a great deal of time in Haiti and has a friend who is a long-term patient at PIH's Central Plateau clinic. “One of her best friends would have died if it hadn't been for PIH,” said Charlie. “She took him to the hospital there to be treated for HIV and now he's been staying very healthy and continues to receive medicine regularly.” In addition, a cousin of Charlie’s is volunteering with Socios En Salud, PIH’s sister organization in Peru.

PIH’s overall approach to healthcare was as important to his decision to support PIH as these family ties. “PIH really stands out in their…focus on solidarity,” he explained.

Though he usually gives out his mixtapes for free, he thought tying them to a fundraiser would be an effective way to help Haitian relief efforts while giving people access to some great music. Charlie's efforts have received encouragement and support from the music community. He is even thinking about doing a sequel, possibly featuring contemporary Haitian artists. Now that is music to our ears.

Charlie's mixtape, along with other DJ Captain Planet compilations, can be found on his website: www.mixtaperiot.com.

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